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July 1, 2014 | |


“I travel a lot for work.” That has always been my excuse for the 50 extra pounds I put on in the last two years. So while I was in Virginia Beach working for eight months I decided it was time to lose weight. Someone at the diet center I was going to recommended I go see the folks at JWFNS. After my consultation with the team, I set my workouts to three days a week and started the recommended diet.

Within the first month times were tough, I found myself not wanting to stick with the diet or not giving it my “all” at the gym. But with JWFNS’ support and guidance, I was on the right track in no time.

I can honestly say that without their emotional and mental support, I couldn’t have made it on my own. All the knowledge and information gained during my time spent training with JWFNS is now being applied to my everyday life. I am a much happier and healthy person and have JWFNS to thank for that!


