As I approached turning 40, I was becoming more and more distressed at my “forty”-year-old stamina and waist line. I am only 5’7″ and had reached a weight of 204 pounds in the spring of 2009. I had also outgrown my size 36 inch waist pants.
In September 2009 I started with Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios with a cholesterol level over 300 and weighing 189 pounds. Jim prescribed me a new diet and exercise plan. I immediately began working out with the JWFNS team two days a week and following the diet plan. In addition, I added two days of cardio conditioning a week on my own.
Nine months later I weigh 162 pounds and wear 31 inch pants! My cholesterol, without the help of medication, is now 152. I continue to enjoy working with the JWFNS team and have now set new goals to rebuild my body as it should be. Without the nutritional consultation and expert workout advice I received I’d still be drinking beer while riding my stationary bike in front of the TV. The entire experience has been a positive one. I feel and look like I am 15 years younger. Thanks guys!