Big thanks to my Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studio team. I have lost over 50 pounds and plan to lose 20 more. My life has changed drastically. I have never been so energized or happy.
At 27 years old and 204 pounds, I had given up on trying to be skinny, but one day something clicked and I decided I no longer wanted to be the “Fat Girl.” My friend Shelly told me about JWFNS and her success with the program. I told myself that I could do it too. Since day one, JWFNS has been by my side encouraging me through this huge transformation. This experience has changed my life forever, and now when people say the word “skinny” around me I get goose bumps. I never thought that word could be associated with me. I have made a life-long commitment to keep the weight off, and now have the motivation and courage to do so. My new motto is “28 and ready to date.” Words cannot express the gratitude I have for the JWFNS team. Thank you again!