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June 30, 2014 | |


I met Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios and started training with them several years ago. Just when I started seeing results, I had an unexpected move to Roanoke, Virginia for a job. Not long after the move, I was soon out of shape and my weight increased to an undesirable level. Once again I found myself dialing up JWFNS begging for help.

I came back to Virginia Beach to meet with JWFNS, who wrote out my fitness and nutrition plan and provided motivation even though we were miles apart. When I began this time around, I weighed 168 pounds, had a 35 inch waist, my body fat was 18 percent. I followed JWFNS’ workout and nutrition plan very closely over a 4 month period. I met with the team at their studio on July 10, 2009 and was very excited to show them the progress I had made.

With JWFNS’s steady guidance, motivation and 4 months of hard work, my weight dropped to 140 pounds, a 29 inch waist, and my body fat had dropped to 8.7 percent! I was once again able to take my shirt off and feel confident in the way I looked, no matter where I was or who was around! I want say THANK YOU, JWFNS, for everything you have done in helping me get into the best shape I have ever been! One thing I can definitely say is whether I am 4 hours away or across the country I will always be a client of Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios!


