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January 16, 2020 | |

Michelle P

I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. I found myself becoming one of those people who eat because of their feelings, all feelings. Whether I was happy, sad or stressed, I always turned to food. It was nothing for me to eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s in an evening. One afternoon, I switched on the radio and heard an advertisement for a nutrition consultation with Jim White, and I made the call. It was one phone call that would change my life. Working with Alex, my nutritionist, has given me the tools and motivation I needed to begin my weight-loss journey. With her guidance, I could finally see why I ate the way I did, and take the steps to change my habits and behaviors. She’s like a food therapist! Once I had my eating under control, I began exercising five days a week; my energy and self-esteem are up and my weight is down 37 pounds! Knowing I have the willpower to make better choices for my health is empowering. The future is looking brighter and lighter!


