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July 1, 2014 | |


One word—unbelievable! I have spent the last 20 years at the gym spinning my wheels. It wasn’t until I started training with Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios that I started to see real results. In the past, I tried to take different ideas from health and fitness books and formulate the perfect fitness and diet plan. It never seemed to work. I’ve never really had a motivation problem. So, going to the gym and eating healthy was routine for me, but I never seemed to get to the level where I wanted to be.

After three months with JWFNS, I saw quick results. It was all due to the finely tuned nutrition plan and exercise program that the JWFNS team prepared specifically for me. He taught me to stay focused and most importantly, cut down on the alcohol. I am 40 years old and in the best shape of my life!

With the encouragement and commitment of the JWFNS team, I have not only reached my fitness goals, but I have been able to inspire other members of my friends and family to take their health more seriously. Thanks, JWFNS Team!


