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January 12, 2022 | | Nutrition

Trendy Foods Coming Soon in 2022

We have so much to look forward to in starting a new year. The pandemic has brought more intention to home-cooked meals, food quality and consumers are more interested in the nutrition benefits of food again. Below we have highlighted a couple of forecasted nutrition trends for 2022:

Superfood lattes:

Brands are taking the very well-known coffee craze and adding a little spice and powder to it. The already very popular spice, turmeric, is a popular ingredient for these lattes for an alleged anti-inflammatory effect. Other ingredients include matcha which are grounded up dried tea leaves, reishi mushroom powder which has been used in Asia for hundreds of years to treat infections, cocoa powder, a process of removing the fat or cocoa butter from the beans and probiotics which contain live bacteria to support gut health.

Sustainable grains

Getting some new growth are different kinds of grains that have deeper, more long-lived roots known as perennial grains. The big impact they are alleged to make are in the fight for climate change. The deep roots decrease the need for fertilizers that in-turn, pollute the rivers when runoff occurs. Pernza, which is a new type of wheat that is a perennial grain, is being projected to be in high demand as consumers look to demand more accountability from food producers and manufacturers when it comes to climate change.

How to make a grain bowl:

  1. Grab your grain: freekeh, quinoa, farro, pernza, barley, couscous etc. and cook this per instructions.
  2. Add some color to the mix: top at least 2 vegetables such as steamed greens, roasted vegetables like broccolini, cauliflower, carrots or brussel sprouts. (Hint: The options are endless)
  3. Pick your protein: baked fish, grilled chicken, hard boiled egg, or some feta cheese.
  4. Top it with garnish: these can be more than just parsley and herbs, if available utilize pumpkin seeds, avocado, vegetable relishes, sauces, etc.

This post was written by Adam Mattie, Dietetic Intern at Illinois State University, completing his community rotation at JWFNS


